Air Suspension Systems
Air Suspension Assisters
Modern motorhomes begin life with very little extra weight capacity and once the food, clothes, equipment, the family and the dog are comfortably installed, it’s already (or is very close to) exceeding its gross vehicle weight (GVW) leaving no excess for the very important things like the evening tipple or that box of beer!
Many motorhomes are very low to the ground on the rear end mainly due to being over-loaded and although we do not recommend any solution to this other than removing some of the weight. There is however an answer to the problem of that overloaded look or the rear end grounding causing very expensive damage to the lower rear panels and underside equipment. We recommend fitting Air Assisters to the rear axle springs. You could raise the rear end of your vehicle by up to five inches and save hundreds of pounds on repair bills. You can also alter the quality of the vehicles ride by simply adjusting the air pressure in the air bags. Imagine driving on and off of the ferry without the rear end grounding!
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With our high levels of service, expertise and accreditations, your motorhome is in very safe hands.
We can assure you of 100% satisfaction with any work carried out on your motorhome. Northants Motorhome Services – the No 1 Motorhome Specialists.